Please make sure the files are no larger than 100Kb each so that they will be considered for publication. And mark your subject with "September Blueprint Challenge" so that they'll know to open it right away. If you'd like some tips directly from BlueMedia on submitting great layouts, check their blog at
Without further ado, here is your September Blueprint. I know it's a bit late, but spread the word, and don't forget to check out the first book, Layout Blueprints, at!
**Please read the rules and clarifications on the Blueprints blog**
Submit never-before-seen LOs only! Due by Oct. 1st
can these layouts be posted to online galleries?
Will you notify everyone for the book all at one time or will you choose layouts for the book after each month?
Great news!! Thanks for the update
I'm not sure how notifications will work. But they do say they want never-before-seen layouts.
Can you do 8 1/2 x 11" instead of 12 x 12 for this? Thanks :)
Yes, Jen. Any size is acceptable as long as the original blueprint is recognizable.
Looks like fun. I'll get to work!
This is so awesome!!! Love the sketch and can't wait to get started. woohooo to Blueprints for book II!!
can people from another country participate? because I think it cut be funny to try ,but i live in denmark
Love this sketch. Hope I can find time to submit a layout. Thanks, Amy.
Hi, Amy! Thanks so much for posting this call at! I submitted mine! :)
Deena Wuest
This is so cool, Amy! Thanks so much for doing this and I'm so excited about a Blueprints II book! I just can't get enough of the first one...
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