
Of Fish, Chipmunks, and Divas

I was so excited this past Friday to be leaving for Eugene, Oregon and a weekend-long retreat with my wonderful scrapbooking group, the ScrapDivas. I embarked on my merry 2 hour drive with a song in my heart, and layouts in my head. Little did I know what was to come.

I arrived at my retreat just in time to take a lunch break. Good thing. I wouldn't want to be too productive. Then I unpacked my stuff, and proceeded to "scrapper stare" for about an hour. Finally I got out some photos. More scrapper stare. This proceeded, without much progress, for about 4 more hours. Finally, I declared I was hungry, and set off with 3 other Divas to dinner at a fish house.

Dinner was good, but during my meal I got a strange scratchy feeling in my throat. Hmm. Seemed a bit strange, but I plodded blindly on. When our meal was finished, we returned to the retreat just in time for my massage. Whew. I wouldn't want to miss that!

During my massage, I started feeling funny. I peered through that tiny face hole thinking to myself, "My face feels funny." I determined it was due to the tiny face hole, and thought nothing more of it. When the masseur had me roll over, he was quite taken aback at my appearance, and asked if I was OK. I assured him I was fine, and had no idea what he was referring to.

So I finished up and proceeded, in my ultra-relaxed state, downstairs to inform the next massagee it was their turn. When I entered the room, all the other Divas seemed surprised by my appearance as well. In fact, several of them expressed concern and asked if I needed to see a doctor. Surely they were joking!

I reached up and patted at my face. My heavens! I was all puffy! What on earth had happened? I gladly took an antihystemine from one of the other Divas, and excused myself to my room. Well, when I glanced in the mirror, I was greeted with the reflection of a chipmunk! I burst out in laughter and could hardly control myself because I looked even sillier laughing than I had before.

All said, it took about 18 hours for my face to return to normal, and I got very little done at the retreat. But at least I got to hang with my Divas! And now... to figure out what exactly I am allergic to...


scrapoflife said...

NO! I have never in my life had an allergic reaction to ANYTHING! It blew me away.

No. No pictures allowed. Refer to chipmunk comments.

Krystal L. said...

Personally, I thought we are supposed to scrap the good, the bad, and the ugly. You aren't setting a very good example :p I didn't know you had a blog, me too :)