
Is Scrapbooking "Life Art"?

It's a fairly new term being used throughout the industry, "Life Art". What is it? Is it simply the expression of life through the use of paper, photos, and writing? Is it merely a record-keeping of ones life in a somewhat artistic fashion? We haven't really defined it yet, have we?

Some days I feel more artistic than others. Lately... not so much. I guess I go through stages. I'm sure many of you do, too. Right now I'm in the "I don't have time" stage. It's sad really. I want so badly to take the time to really sink into that wonderful scrapbooking bliss that seems so rare these days, but I seldom can find the time and inspiration to do so.

Lately, my work feels forced. And I'm feeling stifled by things I "have" to do and not being able to do what I "want" to do. Not that it's bad to have assignments, but it's not always what I want.

So, back to my question "What is Life Art"? For me, that changes I guess. Right now, it's simply the record of my life on paper. But I'm working to change that. I'm hoping to free up some time (ha!) so that I can just sit and "go Zen" with all my tools and supplies. Use anything I want. Play any way I want. And just feel inspired to get my stories down in an artistic way that expresses my inner art.

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