
Another new Kit, a SALE, and a FREEBIE!

I'm feeling so energized and inspired lately! I have so many ideas running through my head that I can hardly get them down fast enough. Then I'll start working on one idea, and that leads to something totally new, and I'll have to get to work on that before it's gone. I feel like I have scrap ADD. It's exhillerating and at the same time very frustrating because I can't work as fast as the ideas are coming.

So, here is a result of the idea flow from last week. A cute, simple, very graphic kit with some awesome embellies, including lots of felt (SO cute!) and some great embellished tags.

You can get the kit HERE at 30% off.

I have made my favortie embellished quote tag from the kit available for free. It's stitched, layered, with a felt letter and a great quote about Happiness.

You can get it, and the other freebies, HERE.

The best news is, EVERYTHING IS ON SALE! To celebrate the beautiful new storefront (after months of work and revision) Everything in the store is 30% OFF! For the entire month of August. Visit the store today! DigiDiner


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